Nashville is an awesome city! We love being a part of this vibrant community and want to do our part to make Nashville a better place to live.

Dirty trash cans stink, are full of bugs, mold, mildew and harmful bacteria that can make your family and your pets sick. Without regular cleaning, these problems get worse over time.

TriStar Bin Cleaning is the first to offer professional trash can cleaning services throughout the Nashville area. Our state-of-the art system eliminates the foul smell as well as the harmful germs in your dirty trash can using only hot water. We steam clean dirty trash cans!

Let us bring our custom built bin cleaning truck to you and demonstrate how our our eco-friendly process safely cleans, disinfects and deodorizes your dirty trash cans and recycling bins.

TriStar Bin Cleaning’s truck was designed from the ground up to do only one thing… to steam-clean your dirty trash bins! There are no harsh detergents or chemicals involved in the cleaning process. Just 200°F water, pressurized to 3,500 PSI.

This may be your first time hearing about trash can cleaning services, so we understand you may have a few questions. We’ve put together a list of FAQs to help provide you with all the information you need!